Grassroots Soccer and Basketball Tournaments
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We are Change For Concord
Our Mission
Change for Concord (C4C) is a diverse group of young adults aged 18 to 30 dedicated to improving the quality of life for young people in Concord. We promote leadership, education, advocacy, and economic development. Our mission is to create a community that is inclusive, supportive, and uplifting to all individuals. Join us today and take part in making a positive change in our community!
Current Projects
We bring people together who share common goals and passionately advocate for positive social and political change. Check out our current community organizing projects here, and stay informed and engaged by subscribing to our blog for updates. Join us in creating a brighter future for our community. Contact us to get involved on a specific project!
Our Approach
Our approach involves empowering young adults through leadership training, education, career development, and advocacy to create a community that is welcoming and uplifting for all individuals. We work to connect and collaborate with community leaders and local organizations to bring about positive change in Concord. We believe in the power of civic engagement and encourage our members to engage with local government to ensure all voices are heard on issues that impact the lives of young people.