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Writer's pictureChange for Concord

Lighting Up Keach Park

Updated: Jul 9, 2023

We are thrilled to announce that after nearly 7 years of hard work and perseverance, Change for Concord has accomplished funding for the Lightning up Keach Park campaign!

For several years, Change for Concord has been requesting lights at Keach Park to create safer spaces for young people to play. There has been a growing demand for lights on soccer field. In 2017, Change for Concord gathered signatures to show the strong community support for Keach Park improvements with lights to be designed and installed by 2020. Instead of progress, the plan has been met with delays.

In 2018, the plan for lights was approved for construction in 2020 by the Council. A series of delays pushed construction to 2022, then 2025, then again to 2029, and most recently it was delayed to 2031 in last year’s budget. That is 14 years.

Keach Park provides access to recreational activities and social engagements for a community that includes many young adults, immigrants, and refugees. Soccer is the most popular sport played at Keach Park, and often friends will meet up and play a pickup game at the end of the day. Many of these players have jobs or school to attend during the day, so it is important for the park to be accessible in the evening. Especially in the fall after daylight savings time, by the time everyone gets to the field and teams are picked, it is dark when the ball starts rolling leaving less than a half hour to play.

Due to the continuous growing demand for lights on soccer field. Our organization has continued to advocate for the installation of lights at Keach Park. We have engaged with community members, local organizations, and city officials to emphasize the significance of this project and its positive impact on the community.

We have engaged in one-on-one meetings with city officials, presenting our case and providing evidence of the community's support for the lighting project. We have also reached out to local media outlets to raise awareness about the campaign, preparation of community forum and generate public interest.

In addition, we have collaborated with other community organizations and stakeholders who share our vision

for a well-lit and safe Keach Park. By working together, we have been able to amplify our message and accumulate more support for the campaign.

In preparation for the Light Up Keach Park Community Forum, and recognizing the power of personal stories, we have been actively preparing young people from the community to speak about the importance of lights at the soccer field. These testimonials served as compelling evidence of the need for installation of lights on the play ground and its impact on the youth in our community.

We have conducted workshops and training sessions to help these young individuals articulate their experiences and convey their message effectively. These sessions have focused on public speaking skills, storytelling techniques, and the importance of sharing personal stories to create connection with the audience.

Lighting Up Keach Park Community Forum:

On Saturday, March 18th, Change for Concord hosted a community forum at City-Wide community Center. The purpose of the forum was to engage with community members and gather their input on the importance of installing lights at Keach Park, specifically for the soccer field.

During the forum, several leaders from Change for Concord, community supporters, as well as students and school district members spoke passionately about the need for lighting at the soccer field. They emphasized how the lack of athletic lights has limited their ability to play and practice in the evenings, affecting their overall enjoyment and development in the sport. Their testimonials resonated with the attendees and further highlighted the urgency of lights lights for Keach Park.

In addition to the community forum, our organization took proactive measures to gather signatures from attendees, and the neighborhood in support of the lighting project. We recognized the importance of demonstrating widespread community support to strengthen our case with the City Council.

Our dedicated team of volunteers went door-to-door in the surrounding neighborhoods, engaging with residents and explaining the benefits of installing lights at Keach Park. We provided them with information about the campaign and collected signatures from those who expressed their support.

With the support of NH Sierra Club, the signature collection process was a significant undertaking, requiring meticulous organization and coordination. Our team's efforts paid off, and we were able to gather 301 signatures from the neighborhood, further solidifying our case for the lighting project.

Change for Concord's effort for the Lighting Up Keach Park campaign has reminded and educated the community about the importance of diversity. The community citizens has engaged in the process, and in helping gathering support for the installation of lights at the soccer field. The community forum provided a platform for young people to express their needs and aspirations, while the signature collection process demonstrated the widespread support from the neighborhood.

We remained committed to advocating for the lighting project and we continued to work diligently to ensure its successful implementation. We extend our gratitude to all the staff, volunteers, and community members who have contributed to the campaign's progress.

With the community forum and signature collection completed, we were able to to present our case to the City Council on May 25th, 2023. We compiled all the data, testimonials, and signatures gathered during the campaign into a comprehensive report and submitted everything combined to the City Council at the earliest opportunity.

While we were waiting for the City Council to take action on the budget on June 5th, 2023, we continued to engage with community members, keeping them informed about the progress of the campaign and encouraging their continued support. Additionally, we explored potential partnerships to ensure the successful implementation of the lighting project at Keach Park.

Now, we are thrilled to announce that after nearly 7 years of hard work and perseverance, on June 5th, 2023, the City Council has finally passed the budget that includes funding lights at the Keach Park! This is a momentous achievement that would not have been possible without the unwavering dedication and support of our community.

We would like to extend our deepest gratitude to everyone who has been a part of this journey. From the City Council members who listened to our concerns and championed our cause, to the countless community supporters who rallied behind us, and our organization's leadership team who tirelessly advocated for the project, this victory belongs to all of us.

Throughout the years, we faced numerous challenges and setbacks, but we never lost sight of our goal. We believed in the importance of togetherness, promoting diversity, and making our community more closer to becoming a welcome place for all. the purpose for lights are not only for the safety and security of its visitors but also to create a more vibrant and welcoming space for our community.

Change for Concord is excited about the positive impact this project will have on Keach Park and the community as a whole. We look forward to the continued support and collaboration of all stakeholders as we move forward with this important initiative.

Lights on a field will significantly increase the opportunity to play longer and engage in healthy and community building activities while decreasing the misuse of the park. Additionally, lights allow for people to make positive choices and it would enhance safety at the park.

Once again, we extend our heartfelt thanks to the City Council, community supporters, and our organization's leadership team for their unwavering commitment. Together, we are making a lasting impact on Keach Park, and we are excited to see the positive changes it will bring to our community for years to come.

Next Steps:

Moving forward, we will continue our advocacy efforts, attending City Council meetings, and engaging with local officials to keep the momentum of the campaign going to make sure the instauration for the lights for Keach Park. We will also explore additional avenues for community engagement, such as organizing public rallies or events to further raise awareness and gather support.

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